

Congratulations, Michael J Fox on youir brand new website.

everyone is saying how wonderful it is!

I wish I could see it for myself, but unfortunately i cannot access it, and my
computer is too primitive to upgrade so it could use the added parts necessary.

I hear you are in town to might.  Strange, althoguh i have been in contact
withi PAN and CCNPF, i didnt get to hear till todaay,, by whuch tunme all the
tickets were sold out. Nvever mind, they probably realised i couldndt afford
one anyway!
Maybe i'll see yoou at the forum next month. That is if anyone ever remebers
to send me an appllication form for a scholarrshipp, as i  have requested
several times .

Thank you for your help, we sure can use iet

Hilary Blue (51,32,24)
and if i exiizt there must be others oout ther just like me!

p.w. don''t feeel sorry for me, i'm just trying to make a point!!!!