

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses    46       deg. F   :-)
I am in danger again.

I read Mary Yost's letter.  I got spooked.
when I realized that low-income PWP
she talked about is , basically, me,
and so I am up again asking for help

I have been npraying for Jennifer Smith.
Can she be released and stay with me?

i mean i was and am unnerved.
I am battlilng exhaustion.

I was off the list for 3 days because of a
lack of overnight care this past Monday and
in the pre-dawn hours of Tuesday.
That loss set me back, but really, for two
months, as one after another worker was
lost to higher-paying jobs, I became more and
more exhausted.

The volunteers are limited.  Only a few are
able to cope with what I am facing.

I was taken to the hospital last Saturday. and
discovered the policy for PD is "No Release"!!!!
I told the discharge nurses I MUST go home
and they let me exit in a wheelchair, thank God.

A$15.00 per night stipend is all that the Bureau of ELder
and Adult Services allows my nighttime workers to be paid.

Isn't this illegal?

I am being HEAVILY pressured to
closet my gayness and lock it away forever.

I am covered minimally by one person, Jeff,
a dear, but struggling friend, wno stays here devotedly,
for three nights. FOUR  are UNCOVERED.

I am in danger of NOT making it or being
placed in a long-term care facility.

Can anybody out there PLEASE help?

I almost lost the battle to avoid institutionalizational
living yesterday when a nurse with openly,
spoken, homophobic views said that I
am therfore exhibiting "pathological" behaviors
(she is a "Christian").

I am haunted by Mary Yost's message about
her friend who is low-income and
suddenly I got scared.

I am fighting sleep loss and anxiety.

If my nighttime workers were offered
anything normal I would  not be in danger.

Please someone with CLOUT I need
help to overcome Maine's bureaucracy.

This is NOT the boy crying wolf-it is
the real danger I am facing right NOW

I am trying to go to Psalm 43.
I hope I can calm down a bit.


PS Bonniei Rowley, your audiotape is
packaged and is to be mailed today.