

Hi Rose 'n Hubby....

I've had PD for  25 years (am 57 now), first on the
right side with  no external signs of tremor, tho DID
have "inner tremor," plus many other PD symptoms.

On 10/24/94 I had a  unilateral pallidotomy on the left
side of  my brain side with excellent results that blessedly
still continue today.

That said, about 2 years ago the disease showed up
on my left side and darned if it was almost like
starting from scratch again!  There's now a VISIBLE
"resting" tremor on the left side plus several "inner
symptoms", such as vision problems, swallowing
difficulties, etc..

My HMO neuro (known as "Dr. Know Nothing") said
there was nothing he could prescribe to help rid me
of the very annoying and conspicuous "resting tremor,"
other than the PD drugs I was already taking (he
WOULD say that!) <rueful smile>

Well, POOH on Dr. Know Nothing, 'cause somewhere
in my virtual wondering, I read that BENEDRYL, a former
prescription drug (and now a popular over-the-counter
drug helped relieve tremor for some PD patients.   I tried
it, and WOWIE... it's WORKED.(for me, anyway) for
the past six months!!

Thru trial and error, currently,I'm comfortable with three
 tablets per day. (NOTE: Initially I never drove after
taking a Benedryl capsule, as it was reputed to cause
drowsiness) <Heck - I get SOO drowsy in the late afternoon
and early evening already that it would be hard to get any
MORE drowsy and not just say PD puts me to sleep
better than any sleeping pill ever could!>

'Nother NOTE:   IF you decide to give Benedryl a try, DO
look for the bottle that has "For homes WITHOUT small
children," which is another way of saying that THAT was
an easy opening pack, rather than the usual "impossible
-to-open-without an AX pack!)

Yet ANOTHER note:  To anyone deciding  to try Benedryl,
do drop us a List post and let us know if works for you.

I might add, that there are times when I notice I'm tremoring,
and I make as "executive decision" to NOT tale any drug for
 it.  At those times I make a conscious effort to DISTRACT
myself (I.e., phone some one and shmoose, pick up a book
and read, work on one or another of the miniatures I
construct, etc.) and THAT works as well as taking any drug
for tremor control.

As to WHY distraction works as well as any drug I've taken
for tremor, sorry, but I haven't a clue.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message
rom: Rose Rowton <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, May 28, 2000 7:45 PM
Subject: Nicotine Patch??

>Hi Everyone,
>I was wondering if anyone has tried the Nicotine Patch for
tremors.  The
>doctor told my husband to try it.  His tremors of the mouth do
not seem to be
>controlled by the different pills he tried.  He has tried all the
>medicine and they do nothing except cause confusion.  Sinimet
also is not
>well tolerated by him so all he takes now is
>Artane.  Any help for mouth tremors.