

Dear Greg---I was a tad taken aback by your response to Ivan---if you
believe that CGs are stress-free, There's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd love to
sell you !   :-)

Ivan has had a terrible time for years keeping the low-paid CGs he needs,
and I'm sure didn''t want to lose this one if he was competent.  I thought
his solution of sharing info and communicating was excellent---some CGs do
it for money (not much either) and some do it for love, and the latter is
what keeps us going, believe me......some gracious recognition and concern
on both side of the equation is the oil that keeps things running smoothly.
CG burnout is not a figment of Ivan's imagination, believe me.
This is NOT intended to downplay the trials of PD  by any means---but CGs
caring for someone like Ivan, who needs so much assistance, have their
needs too, even if they are different.  Think about it, please.....

>I'm sorry you had to deal with such a "caregiver".  HIS stresses!!!  I'd
>love  to hear them.  Tell him you'll trade him all his probems for a 14
>year sentence with PD.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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