

I had to have my glasses changed recently, and I got a separate pair
of "Computer" glasses!!!!  Wonderful invention!!! Now I have a pair
I can just leave beside the computer and always know where they are.
I sure can't see to walk in them however.
When I was reading the eye chart with my bifocals this time, because
he "strengthened" them also.  I read this line I had never been able
to even see before.
"To those of you no longer young ,I leave memory", then it goes on
to say something about the poems of Burns and Shakespeare, and
ends with "its a rare, rare, world we live in".
(The eye technician had no idea, nor was there any printing on the back
giving a citation.)

Does this sound familiar to anyone?
I have checked the WEB under quotations, to no avail, also couldn't find it
in Bartlett's Famous Quotations. Nor the Librarian's Guide to the Internet,
and I don't have time to go downtown to the library and look it up.
So I decided to check on the best place I know of to find the answer--
The PIENO!!!

Now, to put this back on a Parkinson's subject,
  since I have been living with a double edged sword--PWP &
Caregiver, I have a suggestion.
A number of years ago, probably at least 3.5 or 4 , there were several
Brits on this net, one wrote and told of a place in England where a
family could take a PWP and leave them for, if I remember correctly,
a week ,every 3 months.  I believe week-ends were possible too.
  This left the family free to get themselves
back together, so the didn't become so obsessed that they began to
feel that they also had PD.
Is there someplace such as that in the USA?

IMOHO, I think it would be nice if some of these Parkinson's organizations
would think about doing something such as this. Make life more liveable
for the PWP and their families while we are awaiting a cure!!!!
Not all of us are ready for a Nursing Home , but its possible a few
days in a new surrounding might just help the PWP also.

I'm fortunate that I have a widow lady who, for a reasonable fee,
will come sit with my husband while I go take some computer lessons.
I have 10 all day lessons scheduled for this Summer.
However, I know most people don't have that luxury.

Just an idea, what do any of you on this Cyber support group think?
Good idea or bad idea???

As Ever,