

Hi Marjorie---
Can't help with the quotation, but your idea is great. One family in our
local support group did something similar---the grandmother/PWP  spent a
week well-cared for in a respite section of a local hospital, while the
rest of the family relaxed and rejuvenated.  Perhaps other hospitals are
getting into this sort of respite care, as their in-patient populations
decline?    Also, when I had surgery and was unavailable for 3 days, Peter
spent respite time in a local nursing home, and that was his preference to
trying to have round-tht-clock help at home for that short time--b y the
time they learned the ropes, I'd be back.

As our population ages, this sort of help will be needed by many families,
not just those of PWPs.

>Now, to put this back on a Parkinson's subject,
>  since I have been living with a double edged sword--PWP &
>Caregiver, I have a suggestion.
>A number of years ago, probably at least 3.5 or 4 , there were several
>Brits on this net, one wrote and told of a place in England where a
>family could take a PWP and leave them for, if I remember correctly,
>a week ,every 3 months.  I believe week-ends were possible too.
>  This left the family free to get themselves
>back together, so the didn't become so obsessed that they began to
>feel that they also had PD.
>Is there someplace such as that in the USA?
>IMOHO, I think it would be nice if some of these Parkinson's organizations
>would think about doing something such as this. Make life more liveable
>for the PWP and their families while we are awaiting a cure!!!!
>Not all of us are ready for a Nursing Home , but its possible a few
>days in a new surrounding might just help the PWP also.
>I'm fortunate that I have a widow lady who, for a reasonable fee,
>will come sit with my husband while I go take some computer lessons.
>I have 10 all day lessons scheduled for this Summer.
>However, I know most people don't have that luxury.
>Just an idea, what do any of you on this Cyber support group think?
>Good idea or bad idea???
>As Ever,

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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