

your post june4 2000at 22.00.28
in your run  down of vitamins etc it would have been useful to give and
explanation about why they are prescibed or taken
i am interested in supplementary *medicine* and would like to know why those
things were indicated

>From: Paul Lauer <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Looking for Comments and Suggestions
>Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 22:00:28 EDT
>Re: Vitamins
>I have two neuros. One who I see regularly who is good but not a movement
>disorder specialist and one who I see once per year who is a well known
>movement disorder specialist. With their advice and/or concurrence, I take
>the following with the person providing the impetus indicated afterward as
>(n=neuro; mds=movement disorder specialist; m=me w/concurrence from either
>E 3200 i.u. (mds)
>C 3000 mg (mds)
>Beta carotene (n)
>Stresstab (n)
>Selenium 200 mg (m)
>Coenzyme Q10 900 mg (m)
>Gluchosamine/Chondroitan 1500/1200 mg (m)
>Calcium Citrate 1260 mg (m)
>I split these amounts into two packages. I wash the morning package down
>white grape juice and the evening package down with a soda called diet
>Paul H. Lauer

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