

<sigh> i meant to cut out most of the message, but am using a new version
of eudora for email - and i apparently hit the wrong key with my errant
fingers and sent the email on before i intended to. i will have to try to
restrain myself from sending email before my meds have taken effect. :((

barb k
(who would be on her  knees begging forgiveness when she realized she may
have done the same thing again with the same msg, but then she wouldn't be
able to get back up and might need to call a crane for assistance)

> >... I have 2 questions on how to improve my Mom's quality of life.  She was
> >diagnosed with PD 20 years ago and is in "a very advanced stage"...
>your posting has made it to the pd list three times now
>if you cannot see your own postings,
>you need to change your subscription settings
>instructions are on my website
>have you joined the caregivers list?