

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!
Bill Parrette is a wonderful young man and
  a welcome voice to this PD Net, at least in my opinion.
He's also 2 years younger than my Daughter, and I get upset
that anyone so young has to have PD, Its bad for all of us,
but worse for the young.
I have been having trouble being "Scanned" by a Univ. in France,
but they can't get into my computer because I have BlackICE
installed, but at least no one is calling me names from a Proxy
Mailer. I don't blame him for being upset with crazies!!!

Now, I have a word for the Newbies.  The first 5 years are the worst.
After that you rather settle in and learn to accept your fate in life.
If you don't learn to accept it you'll waste precious energy, which
as you grow older with PD, you'll definitely need so you will have energy
enough to live a full life.
You aren't going to open up the PEINO some morning and find there
has been a cure overnight!!!
You might just as well read all we have to say, it will help you learn to cope,
living life with a chronic illness. It matters little if its PD related or not,
there are still lessons here!!!
If you still want to only read about PD, I suggest going to a large
public library and access their Data Bases. There are many, many
  articles being written about Parkinsons.  Most of them make you
feel a cure is around the next bend.  I pray for all of us, that it is,
but I'm not holding my breath, nor becoming so obsessed with my PD,
that I forget to live NOW!!!!
I wish the same for all of you!!!!!
Thanks again Janet for the words of Wisdom!!!

As Ever,
just a retired reference librarian with PD

At 10:48 AM 06/09/2000 -0400, you wrote:

>i'm sure you know as a list-owner
>that 1900 members means 1900 different opinions
>based on my experience
>as both a silent and a vocal list-member
>and as a co-list-owner here for a few memorable months this time last year,
>i feel that the only opinion that really 'counts' in these matters
>[aside from my own conscience] is our list-mom's [yea barb patterson!]
>and i don't think her 'list-rules' are that restrictive
>[they are available on my site in the newbie section]
>since we are all doing something here that no one has ever done before
>- sure there are other interest list groups
>but not a parkinson support group like this