


Remember "Smoky and the Bandit" staring Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason, and
Sally Fields? The "GOOFY" sheriff played by Gleason was named Buford T.
Justice. Remember the basset hound in the movie? Well we remembered the dog
(a spittin' image of ours) but couldn't remember his name either, so we
decided that since we had one goofy dog on our hands, Buford would be good
enough. It just sounded goofy and lovable. That's how he got his name. We
have often wondered what his original owners called him. It only took him 2
seconds to learn his new name, so maybe he isn't so "goofy" after all.
Actually, he is very intelligent! I think his mannerisms have just been a
facade he has used to get his way! He expects a treat after coming back from
being let out of the garage to go do his thing in the dog run. My wife
started putting a chewie on his bed for when he comes back in. He will go
check for it even if I let him out. You should see the look he gives me when
I forget. It got so bad that he would go out on his own anytime one of us
went out to the garage, to the point of faking it. One of my sons used to
play with him with a rope pull toy. For many years when James would come to
visit, the first thing the dog would do is go over to the back door and look
at the toy hanging on the door knob and then look at my son, then back to
the toy, back to my son, etc. with great anticipation and pleading in those
big brown eyes. He is one spoiled kid (the dog)!


> ----------
> From:         Barb_MSN[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:         Friday, June 09, 2000 1:44 AM
> Subject:      Re: FW: GOOFY
> Awww Darwin (mopping up tears around m'eyes....).  How blessed
> your family is to have Buford (BUFORD?  What kinda name is THAT
> fer a dawg?) <smile>.  AND how very lucky Buford is to have ended
> up with THE most perfect loving family for HIM!
> Please give ol Buford a hug and a kiss - right on his nose -  from
> me, 'kay?
> (Errrrr.... but please don't tell my wee kitty, Scooter, I even
> MENTIONED another animal, much less virtually hugging 'n kissing
> 'em!  She'd be very jealous... (Buzzy cat could care less - Just
> as long as I feed 'em regularly )
> Barb Mallut
> [log in to unmask]