

David, that finger moving/tapping is usually referred to as "pill
rolling," and is a common PD symptom.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: davidmeigs <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, June 11, 2000 7:57 AM
Subject: Is the Finger to thumb taping a symptom? & Fava Beans?

>Do any of you have ever tap your index finger to your thumb?
(both hands)
>I have been doing this a lot for the past week.   Its really
irritating!  I
>can stop it, but its kind of like keeping yourself from blinking
>eyelids.   Pretty soon you forget about it, and your blinking
>I just took it for granted that this was just stress related.
But, I also
>took my hand tremors for stress based.  I am kind of embarrassed
to ask
>questions like this.  But its easier for me to ask you than my
doctor.  But
>It is still kind of hard for me to do.
>Also, I saw a post yesterday asking somthing about Fava beans.  I
>deleted the email while meaning to move it to a different folder.
Is there
>some benefit to Fava Beans?  Isn't a Fava just a fancy name for
>Newbie - David Meigs