

Dear PIEN friends, Joe Bruman, Teresa Bohusz      ewicz, and
others talking about COMT-inhibition, Tasmar and Comtan:

It seems to me that if a PWP takes three drugs,

    1)      A dopamine source, like the L-dopa in Sinemet or Madopar, and
    2)     an MAO- B - inhibitor, (monoamine oxidase, type B)
            like the selegeline  hydrochloride in Eldepryl; and
    3)     a COMT-inhibitor, (catechol o-methyl transferase)
            like the tolcapone in Tasmar,

   the PWP would improve BOTH his or her impaired motion,
AND his or her quickness. The three drugs increase
both dopamine, and adrenaline (which the  healthy brain
makes from dopamine, in two steps) .

    This 3-drug strategy is the BASIS of the neurochemical
approach I am using to offset PD--and to a large extent, it works well.

     I am told that selegeline's  MAO-B inhibition is selective,
and differs from  MAO inhibition.  Potential hypertension
Joe writes about, I believe,  is if selegeline hydrochloride
is associated with Demerol (for pain).

  The blood-brain barrier is crossed by Tasmar, but
is NOT crossed by Comtan, from what I am told.
The diarrhea from either of these two COMT-ionhibitors
may possibly  occur from doses that are too large for the PWP.
I RESTRICT each dose to to 50 mg. of Tasmar, at 4- to 6-hour

Ivan Suzman


On Thu, 8 Jun 2000 21:05:12 -0700 "J. R. Bruman" <[log in to unmask]>
> "Teresa V. Bohuszewicz" wrote:
> > I know that Comtan binds with the COMT enzyme so that the enzyme
> is not able
> > to bind with levodopa.    In other words if a PWP is not taking
> Comtan or
> > levodopa what would be the purpose of the COMT enzyme?
> Im memory serves me, (getting dicey) COMT is one of the body's
> two major
> guardians againse excess production of amphetamine (Adrenaline)
> which
> is part of the "fight or flight" reaction when needed. The other
> is
> monoamine oxidase. That's why the PIs for selegiline (a MAO
> inhibitor) tolcapone, and entacapone (COMT inhibitors) warn
> against taking a COMT
> inhibitor and a MAO inhibitor at the same time, it could provoke
> a
> hypertensive crisis. Cheers,
> Joe
> --
> J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
> 3527 Cody Road
> Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)