

i believe my mother has PD and at present we are waiting to see a specialist.
however, i feel devastated that i didn't pick it up earlier (my father and i
think now that she has had it for about five years). i am a psychologist and
when she started suffering from severe depresssion several years ago i
organised mental health services for her which have been totally unhelpful in
alleviating her condition. it was only when a few months ago that she started
walking oddly and began to stumble regularly that we realised something else
was wrong. even then i ignored it hoping it would go away. it seems her
antidepressants may have made things worse.
i feel powerless and terribly guilty and depressed. at the same time i feel
extremely worried about what she is going through and desperate to get the
diagnosis and some medication for her.
has anyone else missed the symptoms like this? i can't believe her GP and her
psychiatrist missed them too.  i'd appreciate someone to talk to who has been
through a similar experience and am trying to find out about self-help and
support groups for my parents who both live in Leicester in England.
many thanks
Yvonne Webb