

I'm not sure how many Turkish  PWP subscribe to the list but others may
have ideas/comments. My neighour was called back home to Turkey to see
his father. He has been diagnosed PD for a number of years but has
detiorated over the last seven months and is in practiceconfined to bed.
He is 62. His medication I understand is :-
Madopar 250 mg 4x day
Dopergin 0.2 mg (Revanil?)
Moverdin (?) 5mg
and if he is restless Largactil 100mg.
The latter was prescribed to "calm him down" and is used two or three
times a week. The effect is to leave him sleeping over 24hrs. The
overall picture is of a frail old man unable to walk or talk and
confined to bed with little support for him or his wife (his carer).
My neighbour is obviously distressed and is worried that his father is
depressed and making the impact of PD worse. He feels that he must get
his father mobile and out of bed. I have checked List archives but only
find 2/3 postings which include Largactil. Altough I have been diagnosed
for 9 years now and read the list regularly, I have not experienced any
PWP with these symptoms. Any ideas/thoughts/comments would be
Bob Hills