

My Mom (75) has been taking 100MG of carbidopa/levodopa three times per day,
before meals for the last several years.  Her symptoms are "tip toeing" and
loss of dexterity, no tremor etc.  Lately, after two stays in the hospital
(broken hip and impacted bowel) since April 1 she has been having trouble
sleeping.  At first I thought it was just getting off the pain killers she
was on while in the hospital and rehab center, but she says she gets real
"antsy" and her legs feel all crawly and she has to get up and walk around.
When I ask the dr if she may need an adjustment in her meds, he says she is
taking the right dosage now.  My question, is 300mg per day the top of the
dosage or should she be able to take more?  She lives in an assisted care
facility and they pass out the meds before meals, can this be having an
affect on the strength?  What to do for a sleepy mom?
