

I am very pleased to report that this year's Sidney Dorros Memorial Award
winner is David Purdy from Grove City, Ohio.  The award presentation was in
Columbus, Ohio, on June 9 which is Sid's birthday (as well as Michael J.
Fox).  Dave is a retired pharmacist who uses his expertise to help other
Parkinsonians.  He has recently produced the sixth edition of his Therapy
Guide which is a very knowledgeable and uptodate guide to current PD meds as
well as those under development.

He won the award for his outstanding accomplishments in support group
efforts.  He spoke 55 times last year to support groups, established six new
groups in southeast Ohio, serves on the Board of Directors for the Central
Ohio Parkinson Society and the Ohio Parkinson Foundatikon.  For a more
detailed account look for the next Parkinson Report published by NPF