

At 05:43 PM 06/11/2000 -0400, you wrote:
Marjorie, that "just" has always bothered me too!

 >At 08:06 AM 06/11/2000 -0700, you wrote:
 >>Dear Marjorie: I don't think you're "just" a retired
 >>librarian. I think you're also warm, witty, and wise. Makes
 >>me feel better just reading your posts.
 >>                    Carole

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio

There actually is a story behind that "just" a librarian.
I quilt, even now, and in 1994 I joined QUILTNET
through the Un. of Kentucky.  I still belong.
  Its a privately owned LISTSERV and the owner
is very strict about subject, space and we are limited to
50 posts for the QUILTNET per day.  Well, as it turned out,
most of us were librarians, I don't know how that happened,
but it did.  Some were working on their PHd's and when they
finished them, they add so much to their signature files that
the owner of the LISTSERV took us to task one morning and
told us that some of our signature files look a lot like resumès.
Indeed, one librarians signature page went on for a screen and
a half!

So, since I'd never had a signature file anyway, I created one
and said, Marjorie L. Moorefield, just another librarian who quilts.

That broke up the list owner, and he re-posted it and told the other
librarians that this should be a lesson in humility!!!

I just changed the signature file to "just another librarian with PD"
for our list.  My humility does still remain intact!!
That is the story behind my signature file.

Thanks Camilla!
Marjorie 67/12