

To each his/her own, of course.   Peter does take meds every 2 or 3 hours,
and with 12 of the 10/100s there was way too much carbidopa.  In the
archives there is discussion of the amount actually NEEDED to perform the
helpful function you mention, and the fact that there may be toxic
levels---the old Catch 22, no doubt!   He is 11yrs. post-diagnosis  and
probably 25 yrs. since onset. His reactions to meds are pretty critical
now.  Fatigue is a big factor on many days, and we constantly fine tune to
get  mobility without dementia.  he had been on Requip, but as
hallucinations increased his neuro has cut him back slowly, and now he is
off it entirely.   I hope you can find just the right balance to keep you
hopping ! Take care----

>Hi Camilla,
>I tried that, and the shelf life for the 10/100's for me at least was about
>2.5 hours.
>As I said, I'm just not going to be taking medicines every 3 hours.
>That maybe the wrong attitude, but that is the way I feel. At least when
>I took Levodopa alone (Laradopa) it did last about 4 hours, but by the end
>of the day I was really shot, and didn't care to eat  a 4 th. meal to tolerate
>the Laradopa.
>Carbadopa is the product which extends the life of the Levodopa and makes
>it cross the brain-blood barrier faster.
>Levodopa alone WILL cross the brain-blood barrier, it just takes about 3X's
>more to do so.
>At least this is what my ND told me. I got up to 750 mg. of Laradopa per day,
>but some evenings I went to bed early because I was really too fatigued to
>stay awake any longer.
>Life is too short, I'll never accomplish what I want to in this lifetime
>but sleeping to me is a waste of time.  I only sleep when I can't keep my eyes
>open anymore.  Guess I'm afraid I'll miss something!!!
>just me,

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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