

John that is so generous of you, but then you always have been
a very generous person!! I remember years ago you helped me so
much when I got my first PC.  Thanks again!!

I have had Eudora for years and years, the most beautiful part of it
is the FILTERS feature.

If someone irritates you each and every time you see their name,
  then you just put their name in FILTERS and have
their posts sent directly to the TRASH.  Believe me, life is too
short to let yourself get upset!!!

John will teach you how to do it, I suggest if you now use a
Microsoft product that you get the free version of Eudora Pro
and sign up for John's on-line class. He is even lowering his
fee for us.  Thanks John!!!
  IMOHO John Walker and Eudora are an unbeatable combo!!!!

Is there anyway that Eudora Pro could be adopted
as the official software of  the PIENO?
Sure would save a lot of snippy email between people.
If someone irritates you each time you read their post,
just have their posts sent directly to TRASH.
Saves a lot of wear and tear on the ole Parkinson body
and the caregivers soul!!!!

As Ever,
just me,
Marjorie 67/12  and counting!!!!