

Sounds similar to my experience, though I don't often slip back into the
acute down feelings I experienced before, and for some months after,
I find if I am not mentally occupied with something outward bound (for
want of a better term), depression comes back.

Medication is vital for many of us.  I have taken St. John's Wort for a
year, and Requip for 9 months.  I'm sure one or both of these have also
played a large part in coming out of depression as, now that I am out, I
notice mood swings which don't seem tied to any situation or stream of
thought----I just feel "down."

Last night I couldn't help noticing I was staggering around the house and
had to touch walls a few times.  This morning is a new now, however, and
I've given my last thought to the me that lived before, as experience has
shown the quickest way back to depression is to compare today's me with
last year's me.
