

  Hello everybody!  I'm Becky, and I'm Pam's daughter.  I went with mom in '99 to the forum in D.C., and aside from the fact that I had a great time and met some people I will never forget, I felt that the forum was important as an educational experience.  I think you should all consider getting your families involved with this, particularly younger people.  I'm 23, and for the most part I have the time and energy to do a lot of political work within my state and community.  I use my work for politicians to lobby for my cause and for my mom.  I also think that I understand the desiese better than those members of our family who have not attended the forum, and although this can be scary to see the future parkinson's holds for it's patients.  Besides, D.C. is a fun place, and the forum is a lot of fun, the people are great!  I really suggest everyone go!  I regret that work and political races hold me from attending this year!

Becky Shapley