

Sheeeeesh, Murray.... Us "Quakeland natives" all know if the info
about a "Big" quake can fit on a monitor's screen, then it ain't a
REALLY big quake!!!
(as opposed to QUACKLAND, where things are always lively)

Ditto for newspapers  -  If quake info is contained only on the
front page of the paper, and there's just a few photos on page 18,
well, we know (us what wuz born and raised in on the West Coast
fault lines). WEEE know THAT is merely a "fair-to-middling

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Murray Charters <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2000 7:53 AM
Subject: G Men Track Barb M

Hi Barb,
I live on the West Coast. I know we are on a fault line.
I know the G Men are snoopin' 'round out there....

But Barb, I had no idea they could track your activities as you go
get your hair done, check out 'em duckz.....

Govt. Secretly Monitors Barb M. by Observing Her "Tremors".

Cheers ......... murray

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