

Deb wrote in part--

>My family is pretty challenging, I am the only person taking care of my dad
>and I moved from my home and my real family to do this.  I left this part of
>the country, the US, 25+ years ago, and I am astounded how blessed I was to
>know to do this, I don't fit in here, and it is a challenge to try and stay
>spiritually aware, grateful and excited by life in these circumstances.  I
>hope this makes sense.  I am not, or I am trying very hard NOT to be part of
>any victim kind of mentality and to know I made the choice to do this, that
>there are gifts and lessons on any path, and to stay attuned to my higher
>self/higher power enough so that I will be guided when this is done and when
>I can/should move on.

I am impressed with your spirit, and that you can put into a positive
"frame" what must be in many ways a very "hard row to hoe" as a CG.  The
motivation for your choices must be very powerful, and awareness of that
will sustain you when things get tough.   It sounds as if you can get lots
of "psychic income" as a result of the decision to put your own life on
hold for a while and care for him. I hope, however, that you will not
ignore your own needs, for to be a good CG you must also care for yourself.
Since you are a member of CARE, you know that there are lots of loving,
understanding folks there who can help if  things threaten to overwhelm
you.   Stay connected here and on CARE, and you will not be alone.

Peace and Love, Camilla
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