

Dear janet---what YOU know about you, and what you can handle, is more
important than what OTHERS think about you.  You know your limits, and are
striving to accept/accommodate to  them. I think most CGs would agree that
asking for help is hard---we too feel we should be able to do it all, out
of love.  But gradually we learn that "denial is a river in Egypt", and
does us no good---that some "goods" have to be sacrificed for other
"goods", each being appropriate in its season. here's another nudge, and
please DO take care of yourself, for we need you here all in one piece, and
ego/shame/perceptions/distortions  really have nothing to do with that!

janet wrote in part:
>fairly clear each word in its own solitary house
>but a tad confused when jumbled all together
>in an emotionally tight space
>i need to ask 'the powers that be' for help
>i have needed to for months
>but somehow i delay it
>i am not sure why

>the asking itself is my mountain
>which i am trying to look at
>with my molehill lenses
>maybe writing all this to some  who might understand
>is a start
>thanks for the nudge, howard

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH

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                " .....maybe there is more to healing than the cure."

                                .......Beth Gualtieri Goff