

I have been getting drugs under my insurance, and the Cobra continuation.
They cost $12 per month for name brands and $6 per month for generic.
I will no longer be covered after June 30.  The cost will be $64.30 for
a generic Sinemet for 90 25-100 mg tablets instead of $6.  Other drugs
will go up similarly.

Planet Rx has generic for 100 tablets 25-100 for $22.11 or Sinemet for 100
tablets same size for $74.96. has 90 generic for $32.22 or
270 for $91.82.  Their Sinemet is 90 for $71.60 or 270 for $204.05.

Does anyone have experience with either of these online drugstores, or any
other online drugstores?  I can cut most of my meds cost in half or better.
But I want to go with someone I can trust.  Are  there any problems with
quantities - like shelf life?  Large quantities would cut the shipping also.

Any help would be appreciated,

