

Hello PIEN'ers......
After much discussion pro and con,
I am making a late effort, trying to raise
money to pay for both a local
high school student who helps me, and  whose
mom is a close friend, and for myself,
to get us to  Washington, DC, for the PAN
(now MJFox Foundation) annual
forum, for at least a day.

If I get there, I hope to meet friends
from the PIEN list.

**  I'm wondering if people on the PIEN
list could  reply to this message if they plan
on attending.

It would be great for us to meet
while there as a group over lunch
or in the evening.

A thought about future summer
meetings. Maybe one day we could have
a meeting in warm, breezy and
comfortable  Maine for a planning
seminar.  There are wonderful
facilities at the Universty of New
England, Portland/Biddeford, and
miles and miles of Maine's famous
shoreline to enjoy. There are plenty
of us Mainers who would help to
host visitors from all corners of the globe.

Just a thought- now back to getting
ready for HOT, sticky, Washington
D.C., and hoping my funding sources
can help me get there, at least for
some of the Forum.

Ivan Suzman