

I got hopeful with this article in the N.Y. Times  and decided to share
with you :
June 20, 2000
          New Alchemy: Bone and Cartilage From a
          Snippet of Skin

          By GREG WINTER

                Taking a less traveled path in the quest
                to replace damaged organs with parts
          grown in the laboratory, a professor at the
          University of California at San Francisco
          reports that he has changed human skin and
          gum cells into bone and cartilage.

          "Sounds like science fiction, doesn't it?" said
          the researcher, Dr. Rajendra Bhatnagar, who
          is head of the university's graduate
          bioengineering group.

          "But that's what we do."

          Dr. Bhatnagar's findings, detailed in the latest
          issue of Cells and Materials, a peer-reviewed
          journal, provides one of the first alternatives
          to researchers' widespread reliance on stem
          cells, the primordial cells from which all
          others emerge.

          For several decades, researchers have tried
          to find a source of living cells to coax into
          new tissues. Most are focusing on stem cells,
          because, in theory, they can be manipulated
          to form any organ in the body.

          But they are difficult to harvest. Stem cells
          are found in bone marrow, but make up only
          one out of every 10,000 cells, or even fewer as patients age,
          them extremely difficult, not to mention painful, to excavate
and isolate
          through biopsies and other means.

          Human embryos offer another source of stem cells, but the
prospect of
          mining biological matter from fetuses has raised objections.
In 1994,
          President Clinton banned the use of money from the National
Institutes of
          Health for experiments that either create or destroy embryos,
a policy
          Congress later adopted.

          Using embryonic stem cells also has immunological
complications. Just as
          the body rejects transplanted organs from donors, it can
reject tissues
          grown from donated cells.

          Skin, however, is not only the largest organ in the body,
          researchers with a seemingly unlimited number of cells, but it
is also the
          most accessible. Within the dermis, the middle layer in the
folds of human
          skin, are fibroblasts, the cells that Dr. Bhatnagar and his
          convert into bone and cartilage. So it is with gums as well,
          fibroblasts are plentiful and, Dr. Bhatnagar reports, equally

          From a snippet of skin or gum tissue no more than a few cubic
          millimeters in volume, Dr. Bhatnagar says he can generate
enough tissue
          to fill a hole in bone or cartilage many hundreds of times
that size.

          And because the fibroblasts come directly from the donor,
there is no
          risk of rejection.

          "This will have enormous impact in the field," said Dr.
Antonios Mikos,
          vice president of the Tissue Engineering Society and editor of
          Engineering, which published a paper by Dr. Bhatnagar last
year on
          converting a type of fibroblast found in gums into bone.
"There are many
          technologies trying to isolate stem cells from bone.

          The problems of those technologies may be solved if one can
use dermal

          Dr. Bhatnagar's newest paper describes the transformation of a
          type of gum cell, the gingival fibroblast, into bone.

          In November, CeraMed Dental, a small company owned primarily
          Dentsply International, got approval from the Food and Drug
          Administration to sell a product based on Dr. Bhatnagar's
research for
          patients with advanced periodontal disease. CeraMed paid the
          for the rights to use the research; Dr. Bhatnagar says he has
no financial
          interest in the company.

          Inserted wherever teeth have eroded, CeraMed's product, Pepgen
          works by transforming fibroblasts in the gums into bone,
          officials say.

          In clinical trials required for F.D.A. approval, the product
proved 38
          percent more effective than current methods of plugging holes
in teeth,
          and generated new growth over roughly three-fourths of

          In one test, a middle-aged man whose jaw had become too
          to bear false teeth had his gums packed with the pasty

          After six months, he had grown what amounted to a new jaw,
          crudely formed, but solid enough to withstand drilling and
support fake,
          screw-in teeth.

          Dr. Bhatnagar hopes the technology can be adapted to eliminate
the need
          for costly operations for other degenerative diseases.

          Osteoarthritis, characterized by a breakdown in the joint's
cartilage, is the
          principle cause of nearly half a million knee and hip
replacements each
          year, according to the American Association of Orthopedic

          Of course, fibroblasts are not supposed to turn into bone or
          Biologists have long believed that cells do not change course
once they
          fully differentiate.

          But Dr. Bhatnagar pays them no mind. After spending more than
          years tinkering with the laws of nature, he has learned to be
          "There is no dogma that has any true basis," he is fond of

          His skeptics disagree.

          Dr. Arnold Kaplan, a founder of Osiris Therapeutics and one of
the first
          scientists to isolate the stem cells found in bone marrow,
said he was not
          familiar with Dr. Bhatnagar's work but speculated that the
professor was
          unknowingly experimenting with another type of stem cell,
called a
          pericyte, which also inhabits blood-rich tissues like skin and

          Pericytes, virtually indistinguishable from fibroblasts, are
as flexible as
          their counterparts within bone marrow, and may explain how Dr.

          Bhatnagar's findings seemingly throw the developmental process
          reverse. "We don't know that you can take one type of tissue
cell and get
          it to back up," Dr. Kaplan said.

          "In the cases that have been looked at with some rigor, that
isn't how it

          But Dr. Bhatnagar said his years of experimenting left him
certain that it
          was the fibroblasts that were changing their properties, and
as he
          publishes more findings he is convincing a growing number of
his peers.

          His work with fibroblasts began in the late 1980's. Dr.
Bhatnagar sent his
          graduate students to the university's medical clinic, where
they collected
          the discarded foreskins of just-circumcised babies. Then he
extracted the
          fibroblasts and placed them on a matrix that closely mimicked
          properties of bone.

          Surrounded by minerals, held fast by P-15, a string of sticky
amino acids
          that allowed them to interact, the skin cells conformed to the
          environment as if they always belonged there. Within three
weeks, the
          cells began producing proteins found only in bone. The same
was done
          with more fibroblasts, this time from gum tissue, with the
same results.

          Then the researchers packed fibroblasts tightly together and
          them of oxygen, imitating the conditions of cartilage.

          Once again, the cells responded, as if they knew the lines of
          characters and delivered them as soon as the set was changed.
          completely forgot how to be skin cells," said Dr. Bhatnagar.

          "We played mind games with the cells.

          We made them think of home."

Joao Paulo - Salvador,BA,Brazil