

At 08:28 AM 6/30/00 -0700, you wrote:
>And here  I was, thinking that ya all up there in Canada were
>naming a COIN after the Canadian people - the LOONY! <ducking real

I always thought they should have put a stag on the back of that
$1.00 coin and then we could call it a buck.


The additions to this archive are facts or insites about Canada or
Canadians. I do not dream them up, they are all documented from various
sources, which I will name. If you have any Canadianisms.... interesting
facts, figures or insites regarding Canada or Canadians, send them to me
 along with the source of the information, and I'll consider them for
this spot. If the source is your own brilliant observation, credit
yourself and these will be considered with the same seriousness.

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