

Hooray for the politically pro-active pink porkers!
   What a neat thing it would have been if they had been invited to the
BigPigGig in Cincinnati--there were flying pigs there, and I suspect that
MS Piggy was one of them, though I couldn't check it out in person, I'm
sure it was she in one of the pix on "60Minutes" last  Sunday!  Wish we
could see that photo pf Porquetta and MJF--what a thrill!

>talking about pink pigs,
>porky porkinson the parkinson pig
>and his sister porquetta, the pig with a political agenda
>between them raised $700 for the cause
>Porquetta was especially proud of her pictures,
> one with MJF, thanking her for her dedication
>and one with JIm Cordy , receiving the donation.
>$194   was raised at the forum,
>as people paid a donation
>to guess how much the final total would be.
>CLosest was Brig Haines,
>who received one of the new generation of blue pigs as his prize.
>thanks, you all,
>hilary blue (retired pig handler)

Camilla  Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]>

On PDWebring at :

Yours till ALL pigs fly-- (courtesy of Joan Stark & Hans)

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