

At 12:39 PM 2000/07/03 -0400, Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Dear Janet-- of course you--like anyone--are entitled to your opinion.  May
>I suggest that there are differing ones on this subject?  I think that in
>of Paige, who may well have been a victim of CD--I have no way of knowing
>The Hemlock Society takes the view that there are times when a perfectly
>rational person who is suffering from an incurable disease and whose
>quality of life is *for them* unacceptable, may make that choice, with the
>knowledge of loved ones.  This, I think, implies that  it is NOT an act of
>depression and desperation, when loving families are involved.   Think of
>the example of  the very frail elderly person, bedridden in  a nursing
>home, who simply  turns to the wall and refuses nourishment---that person
>is not necessarily depressed, but may simply feel that "the time has come
>to leave".
>I respect the fervor of your concern re: CD, based on your personal
>experience and your situation--but please also respect the feelings of
>those who may differ with you, and who may be in a very different situation
>from yours and those you are writing about.  As a counselor, there were
>times when I struggled to keep potentially suicidal clients  from acting
>out the wish, till help could be found for their depression.
>Can't we just agree that like most things in life, this question may have
>more than one answer?...

yes of course, you are right camilla

my focus was quite narrow and homed in on
the 'hidden' and 'shaming' aspects around cd and suicide
and the distorted thinking process that twists reality into lies

i also had felt very strongly from the way paige expressed herself
in her website, that suicide would never be a rational option for her
and, in fact, some of her ideas e.g. of learning from her experiences
touched a close chord with me

and bern,
i would never advocate that an individual's wishes be denied
in regard to this issue

however, i am glad that
my possibly overzealous fervour instigated your comments!

i wonder if there is any way of discovering the
proportions of suicide directly related to cd ...

exchanging ideas strengthens all of us


janet paterson
53 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 / PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada
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