

Hi-- I've forwarded to you several posts from my resource file. Hope they
are helpful.  Good luck with his neuro.

>Does anyone have information on Shy-Drager Syndrome?  I have also been
>reading about this and almost belief Joe has all of these sysptoms.  I
>haven't discussed this the the neuro yet but plan to do so.
>One of Joe's biggest problems we deal with (besides all the PD) he can pass
>out almost as soon as he sits up on the side of the bed.  It doesn't happen
>all the time but a good part of the time.  He has also fallen asleep and
>ended up face down in his breakfast on 3 occasions now.  We can't leave him
>alone even when he is eating.
>I found info on on Shy-Drager but am interested in any other
>information I can come up with.  Thanks,  L for Joe  92/89/xx

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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