

Has anyone had problems just with local anestheia.  I just found out that
the newly approved RFA for metasastasis to the liver or primary liver
cancers only involves a mild sedative & a local anesthetic to numb the
skin.  Each metasastasis takes approximately 30 min. to kill with a heated
needle tip.

Thanks for all the information so far.  I actually have no idea yet what
procedure or operation would be called for since we have not had scans yet
to know where the cancer is--so I am interested also in experience people
have had with general as well.  Most likely for colon cancer it would
spread to the liver.  Any other advice about cancer treatment & PD--such as
chemo and fever (I think Dad's tremor was progressed by 104 degree
temperature which was not treated properly since noone came when he called)
also would be greatly appreciated.

It sure is great to have these lists (I am on a colon cancer list as well)
to check out what doctors say.

                                                        Best wishes,
