

On the lighter side, this reminds me of a cute story about tipping over.

Seems there was this lady visiting a friend in a retirement home. She was
sitting in the living area on the couch next to an older gentleman who
seemed to be quite drowsy. He started leaning over to one side and she,
being the helpful concerned person she was, quickly grabbed his shoulder and
straightened him back up. A little later he started to tip the other way.
Gently she nudged him back erect.

After a couple more times of this, he said, "Lady, please stop! I'm gonna
blow up if I don't get rid of this gas!!"

i.e., not all tipping is due to PD (or being drunk)!

> ----------
> From:         Hilary Blue[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:         Thursday, July 06, 2000 7:39 AM
> Subject:      Re: DO YOU TIP TO THE SIDE?? dopaminergic neurons in PD
> striatum
> I tip over when i am tired, and when my medicine is wearing off and when i
> have a sleep attack - - - - - - - so much so that i have been known to
> fall off my chair - a rude awakening.
> hilary blue