

Dear listeners to Greg's prime-time (6pm!!!)
radio interview:

I fully support Greg and Diane, as they have penetrated
a nearly impenetrable barrier for any PWP,
in getting radio air time for Greg.

Greg's voice is listenable, and perfectly understandablee, although
slurry at times. This is not his fault, and could be due
to his meds not quite giving him enough of a voice volume boost
to overcome the normal radio studio jitters we all can get.

SO, play the tape a little louder, and listen attentively.
You will be rewarded immensely....and I hung on every word.

In addition to being asked about his onset ,his loss of career,
and his hopes for a new future career, this radio interview
tape includes live call-in questions, like the ones Karen
Bardo and I handled on one of my videotaped TV interviews
(April 6, 1998, on the local CBS-affiliated TV station).  The
questions reveal the"tip of the iceberg", that  the public is thirsting
information, and Greg is VERY knowledgeable.

He  handles the callers adeptly, and with great insight.
His tape is full of wisdom.  I thoroughly appreciated
every word .  As a recent radio interviewee myself,
I recommend Greg's tape - well worth adding to your
PWP videotape and audiocassette library!!

CONGRATULATIONS , Greg and Diane!!
Should we form a PWP Demosthenes Society?

Ivan Suzman
Portland, Maine 04103


On Wed, 5 Jul 2000 13:41:17 -0400 Greg and/or Diane Sterling
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Anyone wanting a copy of my recent radio interview on PD please email
> me for address.  Tapes are 33 minutes long without commercials, and
> are $5.  All proceeds will be donated to the Parkinson's Unity Walk
> in NYC on Sept. 24.
> Greg
> 47/35/35

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)