

Hilary and other "Movers"...

I moved last November 23, leaving my 2 story  home of 18 years (a
3 bedroom 3 bath townhouse with a large, enclosed patio and
attached 2 car garage).

I downsized to a a  first floor unit less than half the size of my
former home and absolutely LOVE it!!!  The setting is unbelievably
lovely, which makes up for the few deficiencies (no garage, and
only one bedroom).  The unit's very comfy and I've had the fun of
remodeling it to my own specifications, making it VERY

There's one thing I'd recommend to any Parkie who's moving to a
new home:  Decide BEFORE hand where you're going to keep your
glasses, and other personal items  which you  need throughout the
day and evening nd temporarily color code the glasses, and classes
case AND the spot where your glasses will be kept, I.e, I gotta
collared pen set and Velcro and put Velcro "dots" on all three
pairs of glasses,  (reading, tri-focals, and extra-emergency-pair.
I put corresponding velcro patches next to my 'puter,  the sofa,
the bathroom and the kitchen counters and ONLY put my glasses on
one of those color-coded places.

I'm wearing my reading classes and haven;t a clue where I last saw
my Tri-focals, I just check out the places that have a red dot on
them, and the Tri-focals will be at one of the red-dot-color-coded

I've done the same thing with a few other items which I happen to
use several times a day.... items that I always knew resided in
the same places at my previous home which I had instinctively
reached for without giving it a second thought.

Being able to easily pin-point (mind you, I said "easily," NOT
"always"!) <grin> things like my glasses meant I could keep a lid
my frustration level MOST of the time while the contractor piddled
around, royally screwing up first one thing, then another.

Another thing that'll help keep your frustration level under
control it to (if you're planning on doing this) is to have your
closets professionally compartmentalized BEFORE you move in. if
possible, or, baring that (I know not everyone's gonna do a
"closet number," but I needed to squeeze out as much space as is
possible, because I didn't originally have a lotta storage places.

NOW there's three times as many closets/shelves as had been when I
first moved in.  PLUS, my fridge is in the hallway outside the
kitchen door (no one KNOWS there's a fridge there it I don't wanna
tell 'em, and since the kitchen's so compact and well put
together, no one even notices the lack of a fridge in the
kitchen..  Backing up to the fridge-closet is my wee office (24
inches deep and 41 inches wide by 8 feet high).  There's venting
between the puter and fridge to allow for changes in room-temp.

Keep an open mind on what can be done with your new home!  And
don't turn up you nose at any decorating suggestions from friends
or your kids.  a just never know who's mind waxes creative....

OH RATS!  Here it is, pushing 1:00 a.m. and I'm still at the
keyboard.  Well, you're all used to my late nite
unspell-checked-ramblings <smile>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, July 07, 2000 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Moving

>i am moving
>on july 25th
>to a ground floor, one storey 3 roomed condo
>that is wheelchair accessible
>near the metro
>and costs considerably less to run
>than my 3 storey  9 room
> townhouse.
>there is a patio,
> and the only view i get from the windows and the patio
> is green  lawns
>and some original virginia woodland
>neighbours say sometimes deer come  up to eat the grass.
>How long till they build on that land?
>how long till they find the cure?
>(51,32,24 ).
>Mario A. Gonzalez wrote:
>> Hi Rick,
>> Are you going to be spending most of your time in he
hiking.biking trails?
>> In the poo?. In the meeting room?
>> When you open the door to your condo, what will you see?
>> Can you step out and "take out that weed"? or will you be
smelling the
>> new beautiful rose you just planted?
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 9:22 AM
>> Subject: Moving
>> > Hi all,
>> >    My wife and I are stressing about a possible move, which I
(the PWP)
>> set
>> > in motion a couple weeks ago. We've lived in our house for 12
years, and
>> > have put a lot of energy into making it nice, and I have
worked on the
>> yard
>> > to transform it from "easy care" to labor-intensive (but
beautiful). Now,
>> > with PD, I have much less energy, still work full time, and
don't have it
>> > in me to spend so much time on home and yard. So we looked at
>> > a great concept! You own the inside, the association owns the
outside, and
>> > maintains it, and you have access to common amenities, which
in the case