

Thanks to Camilla and Sylvia.  I am checking out the site as I read this. I
am trying to read about pallidotomies and there effect on benefits of future
treatments or possible cures.  If anyone has any comments, I would
appreciate them.

I just read the Wall Street Journal article.  My dad went to the Swedish doc
and at first we thought he was better, but now over 5 years later, I don't
know.  He freezes and falls a lot.  He sweats a lot.  I can barely hear his
voice when he talk.  He doesn't sleep all that well either.  I HATE to see
him like this!!!!  He is a young man at only 56!!!!

How many people are on this list?  Is there anywhere on the site where we
can see this info?

Thanks much, Jennifer

-----Original Message-----
From: Camilla Flintermann [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 3:04 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: New Member with ????s

>What are some of the abbreviations that you guys use that are specific to
>this list?
>I look forward to getting to know you all better.  Thanks much.

Hi Jennifer---Sylvia has referred you to the website where you can access
archives, etc.
Here are some abbreviations in common use here---

PD= Parkinson's disease
PWP(s)= Person(s) With Parkinsons
PIEN=Parkinsons information  Exchange Network (the Parkinsn list you are on)
P.I.E.N.O.=PIEN Online (the website you were referred to by Sylvia)
CG(s)= caregiver(s)
CARE= the list for Cgs of PWPs, a sublist of PIEN  (ASK ME ABOUT IT !)
MDS= Movement Disorder Specialist (a "neuro" who is a PD specialist)
Sinemet CR= Sinemet Controlled Release, a common "med"
Dx / Dxd=  Diagnosis or diagnosed
NPF= Nat'l Parkinsons Foundation
APDA= American Parkinsons Disease Assn.
APDAYPD=Amer. Parkinsons Disease Ass.n-Young Parkinsons
PAN=Parkinsons Action Network, now merged with the Michael J.Fox PD
PDF=Parkinsons Disease Foundation
NIH=National Institutes of Health

Also, after our signatures at the end of posts we are asked to indicate
name, present age, age at diagnosis,  or if a CG of a PWP, the ages for the
PWP.  Some filks include a third number, for estimated age at onset, which
is often many years pre Dx..  It is very helpful in replying to some
questions if folks include the town/area they live in also.

Hope this gets you started--welcome!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

           on PDWebring at

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "
           And visit the CARE webring at