

> search entacapone in parkinsn where subject contains "PMID:"
-> 18 matches.

Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
033254 97/11/10 08:27   93   PMID: 9337447: New Drugs for PD 1997
051465 98/11/12 08:15   34   PMID: 9808337: COMT inhibitors entacapone and tolcapone
065718 99/08/11 12:45   79   PMID: latest barometric reading 195: another record!
066384 99/08/23 04:45   41   PMID: 10451758: COMT inhibitors in PD
068525 99/09/25 13:16   84   PMID: 10492060 - Pharmacokinetics of oral entacapone
070382 99/10/22 10:20   35   PMID: 10451758: COMT inhibitors in PD
070383 99/10/22 10:21   40   PMID: 10051176: New, selective COMT inhibitors for PD
070384 99/10/22 10:21   49   PMID: 9808337: COMT inhibition in the treatment of PD
070385 99/10/22 10:21   52   PMID: 9818851: Entacapone enhances response to levodopa in PD
070386 99/10/22 10:22   42   PMID: 9537825: Entacapone does not impair mitochondrial energy production.
070387 99/10/22 10:22   33   PMID: 9591516: COMT inhibition: a new treatment strategy for PD
070388 99/10/22 10:23   68   PMID: 9337447: New pharmacotherapy for PD
070389 99/10/22 10:22   34   PMID: 9591519: COMT inhibition on levodopa pharmacology and therapy.
070390 99/10/22 10:23   39   PMID: 9392574: Entacapone improves motor fluctuations in PD
070391 99/10/22 10:23   46   PMID: 10439935: Entacapone. A review of its use in PD
071147 99/11/05 06:20   63   PMID: archive search from 10/01 to 10/31
071851 99/11/15 10:01   42   PMID: 10555945: COMT inhibitors, levodopa and motor fluctuations
082811 00/07/11 02:30   82   PMID: 10882160: Clinical pharmacology, therapeutic use and potential of COMT inhibitors in PD

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janet paterson