

At 01:29 PM 2000/07/11 -0400, "<[log in to unmask]>" wrote, in part:
>As in all things it depends on who you talk to.  I am taking
>Comtan and I would have to say I am experiencing significant
>results.... You can't condemnn something just  because it's
>not working for you...

the figures in the drug monograph are not opinions
and they speak for themselves

>Comtan must be doing some good for many
>PWP's or it wouldn't be on the market...

!oh, what a lovely button this one is!

eggskewse me
but i do seem to get the impression that pharmaceutical companies
are not non-profits, no?

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Phil Tompkins" <[log in to unmask]>
>> ...I believe we need to think critically about reports about Comtan
>> and the importance of its effects, and to consider alternatives.
>> I took a look at the label information approved by the FDA for Comtan....
>> "" ...
>> The word "significant" can be misleading.  When used in a
>> statistical context, it denotes a difference that is greater than
>> could be accounted for by mere chance.  Statistical significance
>> has a precise mathematical definition....
>> Outside the statistical context, "significant" means "important",
>> a meaning which is much less precise and quite different....
>> It is easy to slip from one meaning to the other, and the NPF news
>> items facililtate this.  They summarize the study results in
>> apparently popular language while retaining the statistical
>> terminology.  This will change "significant" to "important" in the
>> mind of the reader.  I would guess that this was not intentional....

it seems to me that
this isn't the first time that npf have 'published' some drug information
that seemed to be biased [my opinion] in favour of the pharmaceutical manufacturer
which is why i questioned their non-profit status a couple of years ago...
... sigh ... back to the mine ....

>> By the way, if the increase is "significant,"
>> wouldn't it be worth saying what it is?...

one would think so, wouldn't one?
mirapex and requip certainly tooted their horns on this subject

>> One more hour per day may be statistically significant but is it
>> all that important?  Can't the same results can be achieved by a
>> slight increase in the frequency of Sinemet doses and/or by
>> tighter control of dose vs. meal schedules and limiting of dietary
>> fat and protein? ...

one would think so, wouldn't one?

>> These are questions that I think ought to be raised with one's doctor...

if i might suggest
maybe they should also be raised
in the public where the 'market' for comtan is derived...

'sigificant change' seems to mean 'greater than one percent'

the comtan monograph seems to indicate that comtan is
maybe a bit more than one percent more effective than a placebo
in the three clinical studies cited

which made me stop and say 'huh?'
and then i started mulling about the comt context
with tasmar's [ tolcapone's] launch and fizzle

a text replica of said fda monograph will be 'up' and 'clickable'
at 'a new voice' shortly i.e minutes
[in accessible-to-all .html format NOT .pdf]


please note new and improved signature file below:

janet paterson
53 now / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd
tel: 613 256 8340 url: ""
email: "[log in to unmask]" smail: PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada