

Dear David-- yes, unfortunately dementia CAN be a part of the PD package.
It is said that about 1/3 of PWPs  get this condition. While in part it may
be caused by the PD itself it is also due to the side effects of the
meds--Sinemet and the agonists especially.  Like everything else, this is a
very individual matter. We hear a lot about it on CARE, and not on PIEN,
because the PWPS most affected by dementia are not likely to be posting to
this list.  My husband  who is 82 and was Dxd 11 years ago has increasing
episodes of dementia, and they can be controlled to a degree by adjusting
meds. He has stopped Requip, and takes Seroquel for the hallucinations, but
that doesn't completely eliminate them always.
We are considering trying Comtan with probable reduction again of Sinemet
so as not to get an overload.  It becomes a balancing act to get enough
Sinemet for mobility  but not too much for mental clarity.
You might look in the PIEN archives under dementia and also Lewy Body
Disease for further info.   But again, remember that NOT ALL PWPs get
dementia---MOST do NOT.

>Hi again!
>I'm still trying to learn all I can about PD.  I have studied almost every
>link I have found on the subject.  I have noticed that dementia is NOT
>somthing often listed as a major symptom of PD.   Is this true?
>I have this "Mental fog"  that seems to vary in severity at times.  Memories
>are also very vague and confusing sometimes.
>David meigs

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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