

Dear Jacquie-- in the past documents that were "too long" have been sent in
sections to the list....could you divide it into 2 or more parts? That way,
everyone could see it.  What a great idea to share this info--thank you so
much!   (If it can;'t be sectioned, I would like a copy, please.)

>In response to recent requests for information about visual consequences of
>PD, I have a document I prepared for an address to my colleagues in
>Neuro-Ophthalmology about a year ago on diagnosis and treatment of visual
>problems in PWP.  I would be glad to email it to anyone who requests it.  It
>was rejected by the LISTSERV because it is too long.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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