


YUCK!!  What a way to live - with the simplest products seemingly
ganging up on us.  <deep sigh>

FLASHBACK TIME: :::::::poof::::::::  About 3 years ago I wrote to
the folks at the Kretchemer company which made then  (and may
still make) a honey-roasted wheat germ bits which not only tastes
delicious, and gives an extra "crunch" to a salad and other food
dishes.  It's ALSO very healthy for us to eat.

I wrote the maker  out of sheer frustration because I had  used
their product for years and had finally reached the point where
either _ I _ had to STOP using it, or THEY had to change the
ht" lid opening instructions to something  not requiring three
hands working in conjunction in order to open their darn jar!!

I kept my letter brief, but called to their attention how many
others of their customers, living with movement disorders must
have given up their product out of utter frustration as I was
close to doing.

The upshot of this all was that the company Fed-Ex'd me six large
jars of their
yummy honey-roasted wheat germ, not one of which I was able to

There was also an enclosed letter from their Director if Community
Relations explaining that they were PROUD of their vacuum-tight
packaging as it not only kept their product fresh till it was open
for consumption, AND it  was ALSO an "Easy-open-jar," according to
their product and packaging testing!

They then suggested I PRACTICE opening their jars a few times and
they KNEW if I did that, I wouldn't have any more problems with
the getting the lid off their product.

OBVIOUSLY they had nooooo idea what "movement disorder" MEANS!

Barb Mallut (FORMER user of Kretchmer honey-roasted wheat germ)
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----Original Message-----
From: Marjorie L. Moorefield <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, July 13, 2000 6:32 AM
Subject: PD:Opening things

>I must be in a bad mood this morning, but everything
>I have touched needed to be opened.  From a new box
>of toothpaste, which was sealed so good I began to wonder
>if it was worth opening or if I should just go mix some salt
>and baking soda together!!
>Then I wanted to take 3 Tylenol for my Osteoarthritis pain,
>I felt like shooting the thing by the time I FINALLY got a
>new package of it opened. To say nothing of lining up the
>cap and pulling the top off!!
>I bought a new piece of MS software yesterday, and I can't even
>get it out of the box.  Then I'll have to fill out a card to get
my $40
>but I have them fooled there, I use an address label, and then
make a copy
>of the
>sales slip--no problem, my Fax machine or scanner will do that,
>but then I have to cut the bar code off the bottom of the box.
>In order to do that, I have to be able to OPEN the package!!!!
>I can get the top opened, but can't pull the contents out because
>its in a very tight fitting inner box.
>The USA has really fixed it up so you can find handicapped
>generally right in front of the store, so you can go in and buy
>you can't get opened.
>What is WRONG with this picture?????
>just me,