

I hope the day got better for you..... Here's a suggestion for opening
cartons, I stole it from a kid in the local supermarket who spends all day
ripping them open. Use one of those craft knives with a retractable blade,
have the blade retracted so that just enough shows to penetrate the
thickness of the carton (it helps to tape it there if it doesn't have a
locking device) Now you can slash at the carton with no fear of damaging the
contents and with minimal risk to yourself.
I don't know what the compromise is on packaging. We just had a couple of
scares here with blackmailers putting strychnine in panadol(headache)
capsules. Now how do you do that without leaving a trace? And the company's
response, understandably, is to make the product tamper proof, for which,
read harder to get into! But I guess I'd rather struggle than die. I have
some Enada tablets in a tamper proof pack and they cause me severe
aggravation every morning, and I don't have a real problem with dexterity.
When the blister finally pops it's anybody's guess which way the tablet will
go, and it doesn't help to have a deep pile carpet in the bedroom!