

>Subject: Weird Dreams
>I'm usually up during the night, I never sleep more than 4-6 hours at a time,
>I think most Parkies are that way also.
>This morning I was up from 4-5 and when I went back to bed I fell asleep
>and had the craziest dream.

Dear Marjorie-- that dream was a delightful one-- wish you could come and
bring it to my "Dream Group"---in any case, while it's true that Sinemet
causes "active dreams" I read the other day about new research.  A study
indicated that most people have more "bad" dreams than "good " ones, and
that  for older folks the proportion of bad ones is higher.  Also that
worry and stress aggravate them.....why am I not surprised?????   <G>

        Sweet dreams---

        On PDWebring at :

                        "I'm a dreamer, aren't we all?'
