

Hi Hilary,
The old (35 years and older) tupperware products had tabs on them.
I still own some of them.  I can't eat ice cream because I'm allergic
to eggs and milk both.
Do they still make ice cream in square packages? Which could be
cut into slices and put in freezer bags?
I have a friend whose MIL has MS.  She hires a day worker to come
in once a week to clean house and take her to the grocery store.

They come home from the grocery store and the day worker opens
all the half and half and pours it in tupperware glasses, which do
have the tabs, and scoops out her ice cream and puts it into one
of the older tupperware bowls with the tabs.Then she can take out
as many scoops as she wants, when she wants it.
The day worker undoes all meats, puts them in freezer bags, individually,
and then when the MIL gets ready to cook she can easily handle
all those things.
I'm hoping I won't get like that for quite awhile yet, but I really
have problems grasping things.  I can type okay, and do anything
where I spread out my hands, but I can't grasp things.
Such a simple thing, like opening a door which has a door knob.
All the doors in my house have handles, not knobs.
There is always a way to get the job done, but some days it
gets really disgusting not to be able to do what 99 44/100% of
the people in the world don't give a second thought to doing!!

just me,

At 01:28 PM 07/14/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>it is those tupper0ware type fridge containers that completely defeat me. i
>an still (sometimes) manage a twist off lid - i have strong wrists form years
>of piano playing - but i cannot pry the lid of a container ! even a tub of
>icecream - with a reward waiting for me - is almost totally impossible which
>is, is suppose, good for the figure, but not so good for my ego!
>Hawkins, Darwin wrote:
> >
> > A couple of suggestions for bubble packed pills or pills in hard to open
> > bottles.
> >
> > Get someone to help you transfer them into a container that is easily
> opened
> > and closed. (Be sure and label it.)
> >.....................