

Dear Jennifer---thanks for the kind words about us---I must tell you how
moved I was by your story, and others on the Molar pregnancy website.  I
had never heard of this condition--what a shock it must be, not only to
lose the baby but to have the personal risk it involves. I'm glad you are
doing well.
I'm not the one to tell you how to do a website, as another listmember did
mine for me, when I sent him the materials,  but I'm sure you could get
help.  Good luck!

>Camilla, I checked out your website and liked it.  You and your husband are
>a beautiful couple.  Janet, I tried to see your site with no luck.  I am a
>member of another support group for molar pregnancy loss.  Here is my
>picture and story there.
>I wanted to share it with you all so that you would know what I look like.
>I think that I may try to put together a web site for my family.  Is it hard
>to do?
>Hugs to you all, Jennifer

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH

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         On PD Webring at :

                              "In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,
                                     implicit and invisible as roots."

                                   from: "Leaving the Garden"--CHF