


Sleep disorders are quite common in Parkinson's disease, with one form or
another affecting at least 25% of PWP.  Narcolepsy is one of the the sleep
disorders found in PWPS.  It is thought to be secondary to the PD, rather
than a side effect to the PD medications.  There are 4 classic symptoms
associated with narcolepsy - vivid dreams, inability to stay awake, night
terrors and cataplexy ( I am sure  I mispelled that one).  One does not have
to exhibit all 4 symptons in order to be diagnosed with  narcolepsy.  In fact
only 25% of narcoleptics exhibit all 4 symptoms.  I know quite a few
narcoleptic PWPS -some only mildly affected and a couple severely impaired by
the disorder.

There are some extremely good sleep disorder specialists that understand the
role sleep disorders play in PD.  My favorite is Dr. David Rye at Emory
University  in Atlanta, Ga.  I have worked with him, have referred others to
him and have also been a patient of his, myself.  He has done extensive
studies in this area.

Terrie Whitling-Starr 45/18years with PD