

Further to your comments I thought you would like to know for
information only
that here  in Melbourne the question of future accommodation for Parkies
caused us to form "A Young Parkies Housing Project" group to build a
built multi level care accommodation facilty.We envisage a development
encompasses individual living units,hostel and nursing home.
The catalyst for this project was the realization that  many members of
young parkie group who through divorce,separation,lack of family or just
single  had no suitable place to find accommodation and care except in
Homes,where the inhabitants are usually old and  many are waiting to die
or are
suffering dementia.
We know it is a big  project and will be difficult to achieve but we
have to do
something and  we have come a long way in the past 12 months.With the
help of
Jenny Armstrong  of the Kingston Centre we  have raised $30000 from Drug
Companies and Parkinson Victoria to enable us to produce a high quality
documentary to highlight the problem and assist in raising funds and
for the project.[We are hoping a multi millionaire will adopt the
project }We
have also enlisted the support of the Building Dept  of  R.M.I.T.
University to
design  and plan the proposed building as part of the students term
project.The only thing we now need is the money but miracles do happen.
would be interested in hearing from any person or group that has
attempted a
similar project.   By the way Bob & Joy I meant you both in Melbourne
when you
were last here.     :Regards,
Chris.Robie. Melbourne.Australia.

Dear List members,

> This topic is of great interest to me too.  Bob and I (especially me) are
> anguishing about whether we should move or not.  Like many on the list, we
> have put a great amount of money and attention into our current home which
> we thought would suit us "for ever" but I especially find it getting too
> much, even though it is a front villa with a little yard. We took out the
> lawn - even the verge - and planted shrubs, thinking they would be easier
> than lawn, but they need weeding, pruning, etc, and Bob is not doing much
> anymore (although he could but he seems to lack motivation, energy, etc)
> We HAVE moved twice already, since Bob was diagnosed.  The first time from
> an acre on a creek (with the high ladder work involved in house
> maintenance) to a flat half acre - both in the hills which we were
> reluctant to leave.  Poured money into both places!
> We are now, after almost four years feeling part of our community here and
> enjoying being just a few minutes from the beautiful beach and our
> daughter.  So, we want to stay in this area, but the supported type of
> communities which offer home maintenance, 24 hour help, etc are not being
> built in this area.
> Moving would involve getting rid of much treasured tools (Overseas son says
> "don't sell the tools!") and yards and yards of books. And what about our
> toy poodle???
> Others who have made the move say it's great, they wish they had done it
> sooner.  We HAVE looked at many places and I feel too young at 55 to
> consider going to one, BUT Bob would benefit from the facilities.
> One thing we consider is maybe moving to an appartment (not necessarily in
> a community which would mean big monthly fees) which is near a hostel,
> nursing home.  And also considering moving to another part of the city near
> where there are medical specialists who are skilled in treating PD and who
> have set up a good knowledge base at two hospitals - one private.  This is
> at least an hour from where we currently live.
> I appreciate hearing others talking about this topic, because strangely, it
> is an area where there is not much help available.
>  Thanks for listening
>  JOY Graham (CG Bob 60, 11 yrs)