

Mary -
there are so many options, yet so many considerations -

1.  is hearing an issue with the PWP?
2.  will they have the timer or will someone else?
3.  male or female
4.  where will the timer be kept?
5.  where will the meds be kept?
6.  are there any problems with concentration, forgetfulness -  so that even
after hearing the timer - getting to the meds - getting liquid to take them
with - they've forgotten what they started out doing?

All this may seem overly concerned, but it isn't - it's truly important as
i've found out with my dad!

please advise on above when you can and i can also refer you to some great
web sites to check out for yourself. . .

my best -

  daughter of Dempsey-PWP (71/16+)
  & Jo Ann-CGiver