

Cari-- don't wait for advice here-- they must call his neuro AT ONCE  if
they haven't done so.  That can't go on.  He may be oivermedicated, but
only the neuro can advise what is best for him.  If they can't call, could
you do so?   Hoping for the best---

>i 'm hoping someone out there knows of a way to help me -
>if a PWP is just completely dyskenetic to the point of being out of control
>physically - is there ANYTHING that can be done "on the spot" to "slow them
>down" or induce a state of  calmness - even to the point that he just is
>"down" for the rest of the day?
>mom just called and apparently daddy has been in this state for two days
>solid - is so out of breath can't speak - totally confused, etc. and just
>can't slow down -
>it is now almost 1p my time - so i'm counting the minutes for help!
>many thanks -
>  daughter of. . .

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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