

Hi AnitaJo  Page

In response to your query re Sundowning, I have heard the term but
not in reference to PD.I do  recall its use in the depression days of
the late twenties / earlier thirties in Australia and New Zealand to
describe homeless men who lived on the road in rural districts and
they would arrive at a farm homestead at sundown (when work has
stopped) with the hope of receiving a meal and a bed for the night
(usually in an outbuilding). It was customary for them to offer  to
chop fire wood (after breakfast !!) in the morning but not for long
as they usually liked to be on the road early before the sun became
too hot !! They were known as "Sundowners" particularly in Australia
but in New Zealand they were also known as "swaggers)

Hope this is of interest

Best wishes

Jim Caldwell  PwP  76/10